Helpdesk Notifications

Ticket Creation

When a customer encounters an issue or requests assistance, they submit a ticket through the helpdesk tenant ( The ticket should include details such as the customer's name, contact information, a description of the issue, and any relevant attachments or screenshots.

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Ticket Assignment

Once the ticket is received, it is assigned to a support agent or team by their admin. The assignment may be based on factors such as the agent's expertise, workload, or availability.

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Initial Response

The assigned support agent reviews the ticket and provides an initial response to acknowledge receipt of the issue. The response typically includes a ticket number for reference and an estimated timeframe for resolution.

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Investigation and Troubleshooting

The support agent checks the reported issue, gathers additional information if necessary, and performs troubleshooting steps to identify the root cause of the problem.

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Communication and Updates

The support agent maintains regular communication with the customer to provide updates on the progress of the ticket. This can be done through email, a customer portal. Updates may include status changes, additional information requests, or proposed solutions.

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Escalation if Needed

If the issue requires additional expertise or resources beyond the initial support agent's capabilities, the ticket may be escalated to a higher-level support team or specialized technician.

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Resolution and Closure

Once the issue is resolved, the support agent communicates the solution to the customer and confirms that the problem has been resolved satisfactorily. The ticket is then marked as resolved or closed in the helpdesk system.

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Identify and address issues before they escalate. Helpdesk notifications enable your support team to be proactive, solving problems swiftly and preventing potential crises.

Control your support experience, all in one platform.

Provide support and answers on your products, services, updates, incidents and issues with your experts on our 100% free helpdesk cloud platform.

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